Bylaws for the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture
These bylaws define the governance structure and function for the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture at the college level. The bylaws do not define governance structures and functions normally within the purview of individual academic units.
The faculty participate in college policy-making in a shared governance role as outlined in these bylaws. Policy-making occurs by the dean with Executive Committee input, with faculty input from standing or special committees, and with input from faculty-of-the-whole as appropriate.
Membership shall consist of:
- For purposes of college governance directed by these bylaws, the faculty of the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture shall consist of full-time and part-time faculty with college appointments, who are tenured, tenure-eligible, or continuing contract and hold the rank of full professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, or lecturer including, consistent with the above criteria, the dean, associate deans, other administrators with academic appointments, and faculty with joint appointments with external units. These faculty shall hereafter be designated as “regular members” and shall be entitled to debate and votes on all matters brought before the faculty.
- For college governance directed by these bylaws, research professors, cooperating professors, adjunct faculty (part-time temporary faculty), and visiting faculty appointed by the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry and Agriculture are not regular members and shall have voice but no vote on matters brought before the faculty.
Meetings of the college faculty shall be held at least annually to make, revise, or discuss college affairs. In addition, meetings of the college faculty may be called by the dean, by any three department chairs and/or school directors, or by petition of 15% of the regular members of the faculty.
Reasonable means should be employed to notify all members of the faculty of the time, place, and subject matter of the meeting.
Policy matters may not be voted upon during the regular meeting in which they are introduced, unless they have appeared in the published agenda of that meeting. However, if a measure does not appear on the published agenda for a meeting, and if action on it is required before a special meeting can be called, the affirmative vote of two-thirds of those regular members of the faculty present and voting shall authorize action on the measure.
A quorum shall consist of twenty percent of the regular members of the faculty. The dean shall determine the number of regular members of the faculty annually on September 1.
In its proceedings the faculty shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, new revised (11th edition), except in such cases as shall be otherwise provided.
The dean shall be the presiding officer at meetings of the faculty. In the absence of the dean, or when the dean wishes to participate in the debate, the presiding officer shall be an associate dean or an assistant dean or a member of the faculty designated by the dean. A member of the staff of the dean’s office shall act as secretary.
If policy questions are to be considered at a college faculty meeting, the dean shall distribute an agenda for the meeting to each faculty member of the college. Faculty members wishing to place an item on the agenda shall submit it to the dean’s office at least ten days in advance of the meeting.
- The Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall assist the dean in the administration of the affairs of the college and in the implementation of the policies established by the faculty.
B. The Executive Committee shall consist of the dean as chair, the associate deans, chairs and directors of academic units, and ex-officio members invited by the dean. Associate or assistant directors and associate chairs are normally invited to committee meetings as ex-officio members.
- College Curriculum Committee
A. The College Curriculum Committee is responsible for oversight of academic programs and policies of the college. It reviews and makes recommendations to the dean on proposals for new courses, course modifications, course eliminations proposals, and related academic matters. It coordinates program changes with the University of Maine’s Undergraduate Program and Curriculum Committee (UPCC). The College Curriculum Committee shall appoint a chair, who serves as the college’s representative on the UPCC.
B. The College Curriculum Committee shall consist of one faculty member from each academic unit and an associate dean or assistant dean. Members are appointed by academic unit annually prior to the start of the academic year. All academic units are required to have representation on the committee at all times. There are not defined term periods or limits for members. Normally, unit chairs and directors do not serve as members.
C. The associate dean for academic programs shall annually appoint a chair. The chair runs meetings and works with the associate dean and the staff to prepare agendas, monitor committee business, and communicate with faculty and academic units concerning matters of business before the College Curriculum Committee.
- Committee on Faculty Awards
The Committee on Faculty Awards facilitates and coordinates the process of nominating outstanding faculty for college and university awards. The committee will consist of prior recipients of college and university awards invited to serve by the associate dean for academic programs to serve.
- Committee of Undergraduate Program Coordinators
The Committee of Undergraduate Program Coordinators advises the associate dean for academic programs on all matters associated with undergraduate programs. Each academic unit has one regular member appointed by the unit with consent from the associate dean for academic programs. Other unit members may attend as invited ex officio members
- Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Research Council
The Research Council will serve in an advisory capacity to the director and associate director of the experiment station. The Research Council will consist of six to eight members appointed by the director and chaired by the associate director. Appointments will be for three years.
- Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station Research Farm Advisory Committees
Each research farm facility within the experiment station has an advisory committee. There is also an overall advisory committee for station facilities. In the case of the J. Franklin Witter Teaching and Research Center, the advisory committee is composed of the Rogers Farm local advisory committee and the Witter Farm local advisory committee. A faculty member will be selected to chair each committee. These advisory committees serve in an advisory capacity to the director and associate director of the station. Advisory committees will consist of four to six members appointed by the director and coordinated by the associate director. Appointments are of variable length.
- Graduate Research Awards Committee
The Graduate Research Awards Committee will select graduate student award recipients for the Dow, Griffee, Clements, Research Excellence, Outstanding Ph.D., Outstanding M.S., and Outstanding Service awards. Depending on the number of submissions, a separate committee may be seated for the Outstanding Professional Student Award. The committees will consist of four to six members appointed by the associate dean for research. Appointments will be made annually.
Diversity will be a consideration when appointing individuals to standing committees.
Special committees may be created by the faculty or the dean for specific purposes as needs arise. Diversity will be a consideration when appointing individual members to special committees.
College representatives to the Faculty Senate shall be elected according to Article IV, Section 1.B and C of the Constitution of the University of Maine Faculty Senate.
These bylaws may be amended by electronic vote using an electronic announcement that reasonably reaches all faculty members individually and that reasonably ensures that no more than one ballot may be cast by any one faculty member with the counting of votes five days after the electronic mailing of the ballot or after electronic notification of the electronic means of voting. A two-thirds majority of the ballots cast in the referendum shall be necessary for adoption of the amendment. Any challenge based on the process that contests an amendment vote shall be deemed null and void unless transmitted to the dean of the college within fourteen days of the ballot count.
These bylaws shall be adopted upon the approval by a simple majority of the members of the faculty of the college voting by e-mail ballot, and shall take effect immediately.
Bylaws adopted September 6, 2017.