The School of Marine Sciences presents
Dr. Erin Summers
Director, Division of Biological Monitoring
Maine Department of Marine Resources
The North Atlantic right whale experienced an unprecedented mortality event in 2017 with the loss of 3% of the population through entanglements in fixed fishing gear and ship strikes. New studies are confirming that this endangered population has been in decline since 2010, which is perpetuated by low birth rates, declining health indices, and increasing rates of serious injuries and mortalities due to entanglements. I will discuss the state of the right whale population and how this has led to the current regulatory climate. There will be an overview of current conservation measures being vetted by the advisory body, the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team, how these will affect fisheries like the American lobster fishery, and the long term goals for right whale recovery.
Host: Kristina Cammen
Polycom availability with Darling Marine Center, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and Bigelow Laboratories