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College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

Latest Past Events

Nitrogen Cycling in the Warming Coastal Arctic

354 Aubert Hall 354 Aubert Hall, Orono

The School of Marine Sciences presents Dr. Deborah Bronk President and CEO Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences Deborah Bronk became the President and CEO of the Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean […]

Assessing the Signature Education Program in Marine Sciences: Updates and Opportunities

354 Aubert Hall 354 Aubert Hall, Orono

Dr. Sara M. Lindsay Associate Professor, SMS UMaine In 2014, The School of Marine Sciences was recognized as a Signature Education Program at the University of Maine on the strength of its successful and innovative undergraduate and graduate programs. Data from a (then) recently completed Alumni Survey helped build the case that our undergraduate program […]

The Win-win of Putting Marine Science to Work for Community Sustainability

354 Aubert Hall 354 Aubert Hall, Orono

Polycom availability with Darling Marine Center, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and Bigelow Laboratories. School of Marine Sciences presents Dr. Heather Deese Executive Vice President – Island Institute People who live on the islands and coast of Maine, and along shorelines the world over, can benefit tremendously from the wisdom that scientists of all stripes […]

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