Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if I’m a graduate student in the College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences?
How do I know if my research is related to the goals and objectives of an approved Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station project?
Ask your advisor. They will know if their work, and subsequently yours, is being conducted with the approval of the Experiment Station. This requirement is only for the Dow, Griffee or Clements award. If your research is not related to an Experiment Station project you are still eligible to apply for the Research Excellence Award.
May I apply for more than one award?
Yes, you may apply for all awards for which you are eligible. The Graduate Student Research Awards Competition Application applies to all four research awards (George F. Dow Graduate Scholarship, Fred Griffee Memorial Award, Norris Charles Clements Graduate Student Award, and Graduate Research Excellence Award). You may also apply for the Outstanding Service Award and/or Outstanding Student Awards (Outstanding Master’s Student Award, Jean A. and David A. Webb Outstanding Professional Master’s Student Award, and Edith M. Patch Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award). Note that the eligibility, criteria for selection, and application materials vary across the awards.
May I apply if I am early in my graduate program?
Applications will be accepted, but generally, applications from students not in the last year of their program are not competitive. It is recommended that you apply in the last competition prior to your program completion because the emphasis is on accomplishment not planning.
Do all award competitions require a presentation?
No. The research awards include a presentation, but candidates for outstanding student awards are judged solely on the application materials.
How long should the presentation be?
Your presentation should be no longer than 12 minutes, preferably it should be about 10 minutes.