Zoologist Wins Educator Prize
Contact: Mary Tyler, (207) 581-2559 or Mary.Tyler@umit.maine.edu
University of Maine zoology Professor Mary S. Tyler has won the 2011 Viktor Hamburger Outstanding Educator Prize from the Society of Developmental Biology.
Tyler’s research in developmental biology includes the area of genetic controls and tissue interactions during embryonic development, which she examines using experimental and histological techniques. She works with digital video in the production of films and CD-ROMs of developing system and collaborates on the production of multimedia educational materials in developmental biology.
Established in 2002, the Hamburger award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to developmental biology education, including teaching at any level; training of professionals; organizing and administrating programs; integrating developmental biology into our educational system; or disseminating reliable information to professional members, to prospective developmental biologists, to students in other fields, or to the general public. The recipient will deliver a lecture at the Education Symposium of the SDB Annual Meetings.