NSFA 2012 faculty awards announced
NSFA Outstanding Public Service Award—2012

Robert J. Lilieholm, E.L. Giddings Associate Professor of Forest Policy
School of Forest Resources
Rob Lilieholm’s primary focus is on forest economics and policy, important areas in the most heavily forested state in the nation. His commitment to public service runs deep and is obvious from even a quick look at his activities. Since coming to UMaine in 2006, Rob has worked to develop and promote the “Wildlands and Woodlands” vision for New England. He coauthored the Wildlands and Woodlands New England report, which has been received favorable coverage in publications such as the New York Times and Boston Globe. He has also been actively involved in the Acadian Internship program, a public-service-oriented training and internship program. Rob spends much time engaging with policymakers at local, state, and federal levels. He served on the Keeping Maine’s Forest-based Economy Steering Committee, where his common-sense approach helped the diverse group reach consensus. In addition to many presentations to researchers, stakeholder groups, and the general public, Rob serves on the boards of several environmental organizations in the region. Along with his expertise and enthusiasm, the people Rob interacts with appreciate his collaborative spirit and unwavering respect for different perspectives. Clearly, Rob Lilieholm epitomizes the public-service mission of the University of Maine, and the college is pleased to award him the 2012 Outstanding Public Service Award.
NSFA Outstanding Research Award—2012

Michael Kinnison, Professor
School of Biology & Ecology
Michael Kinnison has developed an extraordinarily successful research program in two general areas: the causes and consequences of rapid evolution, and the conservation of freshwater fishes. He is internationally recognized for his contributions to the discipline of evolutionary biology through his research on how organisms evolve in modern times in response to natural and human pressures. More recently, he has expanded this work to establish a new field that considers the consequences of such evolution for ecological processes in general, as well as for applied applications in human health, food security, and the environment. In the words of one of his peers, “Michael Kinnison is, quite simply, a paradigm changer….he has fundamentally changed the way we view evolution.” At the same time, he is well respected within the state of Maine for his applied research on conservation and restoration efforts for threatened and endangered fish species. Since receiving his Ph.D. in 1999, Mike has published numerous highly cited journal articles, commentaries, books and book chapters. Since coming to Maine, he has shown tremendous successes in funding his research program, bringing more than $3.5 million to the university. His successful research program spills over into his teaching where he provides excellent opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students to begin their own research careers. Mike is known for his immense enthusiasm for science. It is due to this enthusiasm, commitment, and innovation that the college is pleased to award Michael Kinnison the 2012 Outstanding Research Award.
NSFA Outstanding Teaching Award—2012

Ann Sossong, Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Ann Sossong believes it’s her role as a teacher to promote the personal and professional growth of her students. And she does this by providing opportunities for them to assume responsibilities and expand their knowledge and competence in their clinical practice. The knowledge and confidence that students gain ease their transition from student to practicing nurse. In her courses, Ann uses multiple teaching strategies including case studies, guest speakers, group work, and writing assignments about patient-centered care. Her depth and breadth of nursing knowledge provides a framework for her to revise foundational courses, which has lead to better student outcomes in these classes. Beyond her role as teacher, she is a strong advocate for professional educational opportunities for students, encouraging students to revive the student nurses association and to move from local engagement to national participation in the National Student Nurses Association. Although students find her classes challenging, they deeply appreciate Ann’s compassion and enthusiasm. In the words of one of her students, “I will take her lessons with me to every hospital, unit, and patient….I will strive to carry myself with grace, as she does, and to be the most aware nurse that I can be.” The college is delighted to award Ann Sossong the 2012 Outstanding Teaching Award.