NSFA Agriculture Award winner announced for 2012
NSFA Agriculture Award

Ellen Mallory, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Agriculture
Department of Plant, Soil & Environmental Sciences
With a joint appointment in the Department of Plant, Soil & Environmental Sciences and UMaine Cooperative Extension, Ellen Mallory contributes to Maine agriculture through her vibrant research and extension program focused on local foods and soil quality. Her work on local bread wheat production gained national attention when the deputy secretary of agriculture recognized the project for involving stakeholders, integrating research and extension, and revitalizing local food systems. Ellen’s soil quality work—which focuses mainly on potato and wild blueberry—is investigating how farmers can best manage biologically based sources of fertility. Because of her extension component, Ellen is directly engaged with Maine growers: she has developed peer-to-peer exchanges, led numerous workshops, and created videos, fact sheets, reports, and web sites. Maine’s growers and food entrepreneurs recognize the value of Ellen’s service to the state as these words from a grower involved in the bread wheat project show: “She has been able to juggle the needs and interests of a broad range of industry participants and … has fostered a camaraderie and helped build bonds that will extend well beyond the life of the project. The college is proud to recognize Ellen’s outstanding service to Maine agriculture by awarding her the 2012 NSFA Agriculture Award.