In the News

Shaler quoted in Mainebiz article on bill to accelerate R&D of building with wood

Mainebiz reported legislation backed by U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King calls for accelerated research and development of using new wood technologies, such as cross-laminated timber, in the construction of buildings over 85 feet high. Collins and King have joined two other senators in re-introducing the Timber Innovation Act, bipartisan legislation being pursued in […]

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Nursing major wins third national wrestling title, media report

The Bangor Daily News reported University of Maine student Samantha Frank won her third consecutive individual title last weekend at the 20th National Collegiate Wrestling Association championships in Allen, Texas. She pinned each of her opponents to win the women’s 101-pound division while being named the meet’s outstanding wrestler, according to the article. Frank is […]

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Ellsworth American reports on Geospatial Analysis Laboratory

The Ellsworth American wrote about the University of Maine School of Forest Resources’ Barbara Wheatland Geospatial Analysis Laboratory’s involvement with the construction of a new waste transfer station in Orland. “Basically the client wanted the most up-to-date representation of what’s there on the ground,” says Dave Sandilands, a graduate student, remote sensing specialist and aerial […]

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Maine Public interviews Yarborough about blueberry production

Maine Public talked with David Yarborough for a story about Maine wild blueberry producers slashing production to survive. There’s been too much of a good thing and prices are plummeting, according to the story. Yarborough, a wild blueberry specialist with the School of Food and Agriculture and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, says something […]

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BDN talks with UMaine bee experts

The Bangor Daily News interviewed Frank Drummond and David Yarborough for a story about the health of Maine’s native bees. Drummond said while the country’s honeybee population is dramatically declining, many of Maine’s 275 native bee species appear to be holding their own. “I think it’s a very optimistic story,” says the professor of insect […]

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Ellsworth American interviews Yarborough, Drummond about bees

“The Ellsworth American” interviewed David Yarborough and Frank Drummond for a story about blueberry growers ordering fewer honeybees and bumblebees to pollinate this year’s crop. Homer Woodward, vice president of Jasper Wyman & Son in Milbridge, said he’ll order fewer bees to make up for the drop in last year’s crop and because he’ll be […]

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Seatrade Cruise News cites UMaine study on passenger spending

A University of Maine School of Economics study on cruise passenger spending was cited in a “Seatrade Cruise News” article. In Bar Harbor, cruise passenger spending had an estimated economic impact of $20.2 million in 2016, according to the study based on 2,231 mail surveys completed by visitors associated with 31 ship ports over 24 […]

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Wahle sheds light on 2016 record lobster haul

Rick Wahle, research professor at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center, was an expert source for several stories about the record value of the 2016 lobster haul. Lobsters totaling nearly 131 million pounds that were caught last year had a total worth of $533 million at the docks, which exceeded the 2015 record by […]

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Chen stock assessment model focus of Fishermen’s Voice story

The March issue of Fishermen’s Voice includes a story on a new shrimp stock assessment model developed by professor Yong Chen and postdoctoral research associate Jie Cao. This spring, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission will adopt the stock assessment model for shrimp that takes into account the complex life history, environmental conditions and the […]

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