Polycom availability with Darling Marine Center, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and Bigelow Laboratories.
“Stick It Where the Sun Don’t Shine: Advances in the Non-‐Lethal Study of the Reproductive Biology of Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays)”
Dr. James Sulikowski
University of New England
Data on maturity state, gestation period, and fecundity are essential for proper conservation and management of sharks and their relatives. Historically, this information has been collected by lethal sampling, an approach that is problematic for threatened and endangered species. Recent studies have demonstrated that non-lethal approaches can be as effective as lethal ones for assessment of the reproductive status of these fish. Using examples from various species and reproductive modes, Dr. Sulikowski will summarize his research and our current knowledge of several techniques: 1) analysis of circulating plasma hormones; 2) concentrations of steroid hormones from skeletal muscle tissue; and 3) the use of ultrasonography to discern pregnancy and follicular development and their use as reliable indicators of reproductive status
in these charismatic fish.
Host: Yong Chen