Networks, Initiatives, Centers and Institutes

Close to home: COVID-19 and outdoor recreation in Maine

Written by Augusta Stockman, OneHealth REU program 2022 participant Get in the cah, we’re goin’ to Bah Hahbah! As this year’s REU ANEW cohort’s resident Mainer, I feel obligated to throw in some real Maine talk from time to time. I do actually go to Bar Harbor for research, though. More on that later. My […]

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Diving In!

Written by Amanda Cruz, OneHealth REU program 2022 participant My name is Amanda Cruz. I’m from Miami, Florida, and I’m a rising junior at Florida International University. Right now, I’m 1759 miles away from home at the University of Maine, participating in the OneHealth REU Program. My whole life, I have been a very indecisive […]

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Microbes and The Mammalian Mystery

By: Yvonne Booker Hello everyone! My name is Yvonne Booker and I am a rising senior, animal and poultry science major at Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. I am interested in animal health research, with a particular focus in veterinary medicine. I’ve always wanted to be a veterinarian, but as I progressed throughout  college, I […]

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By: Tess Reding Hoffart Hello everyone! My name is Tess and I am a student at Western Washington University, where I am double majoring with a degree in sociology and an interdisciplinary concentration in social and environmental perspectives in public health. Despite nearly 15 months of practice, working remotely still hasn’t come to feel entirely […]

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Ana did WHAT to the moose? No silly! AnaPLASMA in moose!!

By: Rebecca Garcia Hey y’all! My name’s Rebecca García and I am currently a rising junior at the University of California, Los Ángeles (UCLA). I am majoring in Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution and double minoring in Disability Studies and Chicanx Studies. I am currently on a pre-vet track and hope to obtain a dual degree […]

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A Tour Through Content Analysis

By: McKenna Mollner Hello! My name is McKenna “McK” Mollner, and I’m a rising senior at Mary Baldwin University. During the school year I study Economics and Biology. This summer, I’m working out of Staunton, Virginia as part of the REU ANEW 2021 virtual cohort. While working at the Mountain Lake Biological Station with a […]

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Is it Possible to Reduce Farmer’s Plastic Use? 

By: Lyndsey Koyanagi Microplastics may be more harmful to farmer’s livestock than what is believed.  An estimated 107,000 to 730,000 tons of microplastics are dumped onto agriculture soils every year. My name is Lyndsey Koyanagi and this summer I am in an NSF research experience for an undergraduates (REU) with University of Maine. I am […]

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The Buzz About Black Soldier Flies

By:  Lexi Gauger It’s no secret that our environment is in a bit of a crisis, but the good news is that scientists, researchers, and citizens are working tirelessly to address this crisis in diverse ways. As a student at the University of Kentucky studying Sustainable Agriculture and Entomology, I am focused on using agriculture […]

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Weather Forecasting for Farmers

By: Hannah Jones Hello everyone! My name is Hannah Jones and I’m a rising junior at Connecticut College, in New London CT. I’m an Environmental Studies major and a Computer Science minor. I enjoy discovering new ways of developing technologies to help sustain our environment. I was drawn to the One Health community due to […]

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