Networks, Initiatives, Centers and Institutes

Fowl Play

By Bridget Tweedie Hey everyone!  My name is Bridget Tweedie and I am a rising junior at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. I’m a biology major with a focus in ecology and what I love most is finding the interconnectedness between organisms and ecosystems. I grew up in Maine and was drawn to the One-Health […]

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Mosquitoes Brought Me to Maine: Reflections of a One Health REU Student

By Morelys Rodríguez Alfonso As a rising junior student at the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey, engaging in opportunities outside of my comfort zone is crucial for my interdisciplinary research. As part of the REU ANEW: One Health cohort, I am able to partake in research in the beautiful Orono, Maine. It is here […]

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Climate Change Ticks Me Off

By Charlotte Rhodes I’m a rising senior at the University of Connecticut majoring in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, with a minor in Environmental Studies. Because of my interest in a number of different fields, I have found it very difficult to pinpoint an area of study. I began my undergraduate degree as a Marine Biology […]

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Tick Talk – My Summer at the University of Maine with REU ANEW

By Shayla Miller Hello!  I am Shayla Miller, a rising junior at Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, Oklahoma, majoring in biological sciences with a minor in chemistry. Areas of research I am interested in include human health, medical entomology, and ecology.  After graduation, I plan to attend medical school. I was particularly interested in […]

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I Heart Regeneration

By Helene Mantineo Regeneration is an important, cutting edge branch of science in which the zebrafish is king. Zebrafish are capable of regenerating many parts of their bodies if injured, including their fins, hearts and parts of their nervous system. Unfortunately, humans do not have this regenerative capacity and instead form scars when our organs […]

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Seal of Approval

By Liv Hemond As I clicked the “submit” button and waited for the results to pop up on my computer screen, I thought over the process that had gotten me to this point. All of the hours of lab work I had done over the previous weeks, preparing and purifying my DNA samples so that […]

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