Networks, Initiatives, Centers and Institutes

Free Press reports on recent scientific diving certifications at Darling Marine Center

The Free Press reported nine undergraduate and graduate students recently earned their scientific diving certification at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center in Walpole. Scientific divers use scuba or other diving equipment to study the underwater environment, according to UMaine diving safety officer Christopher Rigaud. The UMaine program follows American Academy of Underwater Sciences […]

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lobster age marine

Darling Marine Center researchers test technique to determine lobster’s age

Research professor Rick Wahle and graduate student Carl Huntsberger are testing a technique at the University of Maine Darling Marine Center to determine the age of lobsters. Unlike fish, mollusks and trees, Wahle says lobsters and other crustaceans molt — or cast off their skeletons thereby discarding external signs of growth. That means a lobster’s […]

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new harbor ocean boat heather leslie

Leslie available at AAAS to reflect on Northeast Ocean Plan

Heather Leslie, director of the University of Maine Darling Marine Center, is available to talk about the significance of the Northeast Ocean Plan. “The Northeast Ocean Plan is one of the first-in-the-nation efforts to translate the concept of ecosystem-based management for the oceans into reality, at the regional level,” Leslie says. “I’m really proud of what we […]

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scientific diver student

Students earn scientific diving certification at UMaine’s Darling Marine Center

Nine students completed their scientific diving certification at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center in Walpole. Scientific divers study the underwater environment using scuba or other diving equipment, the certification is a critical step for many marine science students as they prepare for academic and professional careers. The UMaine program follows American Academy of […]

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Davis Archer, Bob Rheault and Seth Garfield oyster

Maine aquaculture industry, scientists well-represented at regional conference

Over 500 sea farmers and marine researchers from the Damariscotta area gathered in Providence, Rhode Island for the the Northeast Aquaculture Conference & Exhibition (NACE) this January. “There was a really good number of producers and scientists, including a lot of young people there, both from the entrepreneur side and science side.” said Dana Morse, […]

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UMaine publication helps farmers adapt to changing climate

Long-term changes in weather are affecting Maine agriculture, bringing both risks and potential opportunities for farmers in the state. At the University of Maine, faculty initiated the Maine Climate and Agriculture Network to improve coordination among faculty, staff and students on the subject. The network recently published a fact sheet that outlines observations of how […]

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Climate and Agriculture Network featured in Kennebec Journal

At the Maine Agricultural Trades Show, the Kennebec Journal reported several University of Maine faculty who are members of the Maine Climate and Agriculture Network spoke with farmers about the likelihood of unpredictable weather patterns in the coming years and what they can do to be prepared. “We’re going to have extreme weather conditions one […]

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Donation helps Darling Marine Center bring marine science to K-12 students

The Edward A. Myers Marine Conservation Fund’s $2,000 donation to the Darling Marine Center K–12 education program facilitated field trip visits by 900 local students and supplied marine touch tanks to area festivals. The funds were raised at the annual Pemaquid Oyster Festival in Damariscotta. “We appreciate that the Edward Myers Fund has continued to […]

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aquaculture report news feather boat ocean sunset

When aquaculture grows, so does its economic impact

Farming of finfish, shellfish and plants in fresh and saltwater is the fastest-growing food production sector in the world and it’s growing in Maine, too. From 2007 to 2014, the total economic impact of aquaculture in Maine — including sales revenue, full- and part-time jobs and labor income — nearly tripled from $50 million to […]

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