The School of Forest Resources presents SFR 695 Graduate Seminar Presenter: Mohammad Hashemi N. Advisors: Dr. Mehdi Tajvidi – Dr. Douglas Bousfield Mechanical Properties of Free Standing Pigmented Coating Layers with Latex and Starch as Binder: Bending, Tensile and Picking Properties Paper and paperboards are often coated to improve some properties required in the final […]
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
Summer is Coming: Bigger and Warmer Than Ever Recent SST Trends and Phenology Shifts on the US Northeast Continental Shelf Dr. Andrew Thomas Professor of Oceanography School of Marine Sciences UMaine Satellite sea surface temperature (SST) data are used to quantify and map regional differences in trends of SST and SST phenology on the northeast […]
School of Economics Seminar Spring 2017 presents Thomas and Robert: A Tale of Two Malthuses Jeffrey T. Young Department of Economics, St. Lawrence University
School of Biology and Ecology Seminar Spring 2017 presents Dr. Chris Field, University of Connecticut (Host: Kate Ruskin) Seminars will be held on Fridays at 3:15 pm in 107 Norman Smith Hall, unless otherwise noted. Light refreshments served at 3:00pm.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
Priority Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Areas (PARCAs): Applying quantitative approaches and expert opinion to identify conservation areas and evaluate vulnerability. Dr. Cynthia Loftin USGU Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
Peter Nelson Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences and Environmental Studies University of Maine - Fort Kent The Barbara Wheatland Seminar Series seeks to recruit prominent speakers on advanced, cutting-edge research and applications of remote sensing and associated geospatial technology that relate to forestry, conservation, climate change, or other areas of concern. Made possible with generous […]
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
MAINE CLIMATE AND AGRICULTURE NETWORK SPRING 2017 GRADUATE STUDENT MINI-SYMPOSIUM Thursday, February 16, 2:00 – 4:30 PM 107 Norman Smith Hall This mini-symposium is the third from the Maine Climate and Agriculture Network. The spring 2017 mini-symposium features short, 8-10 minute talks by some of UMaine’s graduate and Honors students working on aspects of “agriculture […]
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
School of Marine Sciences Seminar Series 354 Aubert Hall. This seminar will also be available via Polycom at Darling Marine Center, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and Bigelow Laboratories. Dan […]
School of Economics Seminar Spring 2017 presents Brian Chezum Department of Economics, St. Lawrence University
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
Christopher Woodall Project Leader Northern Forest Science and Applications, USFS Northern Research Station The Barbara Wheatland Seminar Series seeks to recruit prominent speakers on advanced, cutting-edge research and applications of remote sensing and associated geospatial technology that relate to forestry, conservation, climate change, or other areas of concern. Made possible with generous support from the […]
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
Polycom availability with Darling Marine Center, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and Bigelow Laboratories. David W. Townsend Professor of Oceanography UMaine School of Marine Sciences Host: Emmanuel Boss This talk will begin as a general overview of how the Gulf of Maine works in an oceanographic sense. But at the outset, I will show examples […]
School of Biology and Ecology Seminar Spring 2017 presents Dr. Melissa Kemp, Harvard University (Host: Allison Gardner) Fossil lizards tell tales: Resurrecting the past to forecast the future Dr Melissa Kemp is an evolutionary biologist who uses the fossil record and historical data to investigate species responses to global change phenomena. She earned her B.A. […]
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
Climate Change Institute Lecture Series Dr. Danielle Levesque Assistant Professor of Mammalogy and Mammalian Health School of Biology & Ecology, University of Maine I am an evolutionary and ecological physiologist primarily interested in the comparative energetics and the evolution of mammalian temperature regulation. My research lies at the intersections of comparative physiology, ecology and evolutionary […]
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.
Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to attend all or part of the competition. 9:00 Opening remarks - Jessica Leahy, Interim Associate Dean for Research 9:10 Stream Dynamics in the Headwaters of Postglacial Watershed Systems - Brett Gerard, School of Earth and Climate Sciences 9:30 Exploring Confidence and Social Capital to Engage Maine Landowners in […]
Polycom availability with Darling Marine Center, Gulf of Maine Research Institute, and Bigelow Laboratories. “Stick It Where the Sun Don’t Shine: Advances in the Non-‐Lethal Study of the Reproductive Biology of Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays)” Dr. James Sulikowski University of New England Data on maturity state, gestation period, and fecundity are essential for proper conservation and management […]
School of Biology and Ecology Seminar Spring 2017 presents Dr. Steve Munger, The Jackson Laboratory (Host: Han Tan) "Harnessing Genetic Diversity to Discover Protein Regulatory Networks" The Munger Lab explores natural genetic variation segregating in populations to discover how mutations that assert subtle individual effects can, in combination, disrupt gene regulatory networks and confer genetic […]
The following days have been designated as UMaine’s Go Blue Fridays, a chance to show your UMaine spirit and campus pride by wearing blue and/or UMaine clothing: Feb. 10 and 24; March 24; April 7 and 14; and May 12.